Katie Haakonson.jpg (2)Hometown: West Fargo, ND

Family: My husband is Jim.  We’ve been married for 15 years.  We have 2 sweet children, Drew is 13 and Elsie is 10 and an energetic yellow lab named Milo.

Hobbies: I enjoy spending time on the lake boating, fishing and swimming with my family and friends, watching our kids play any sports mostly including hockey, baseball/softball and soccer, playing volleyball and vacationing and traveling with my family.

Volunteering: I am a member of the Baxter Elementary PTA, I am on the Brainerd Amateur Hockey Association’s fundraising committee and I lead an enrichment math group in my son’s class at Baxter Elementary.

Current employer and job title: CliftonLarsonAllen – CPA/Accountant

What makes the BPSF mission meaningful to you? BPSF’s commitment to provide opportunities to children at all levels of the education system, that otherwise would not be possible, along with the financial assistance the Foundation provides to those students finishing their primary education compelling to me.