Support the 4As


classroom-greenhouse-guy-kelm-1Plants & Agriculture 2nd Grade Classroom at Harrison


equestrian-club-tracy-hopperstad-8Equestrian Club at Forestview Middle School


author-visit-tyanne-rezac-2Author Visit with John McCoy at Riverside Elementary



Alternative Strength Training at BHS

The 4A Grant Cycle for 2020/2021 is complete!

The Brainerd Public Schools Foundation is proud to announce that the 2020/21 Grant Cycle has been completed. The Foundation is proud to have sponsored $32k in projects requested by Brainerd Public Schools educators that will enrich and enhance the fine education our students are receiving in our district.

Since 1996, BPSF has made over $300,000 in grants available to teachers for special projects that have had great impact on student learning.  These grants are funded through general donations, BPS staff campaign donations, the Big Event and other event proceeds, and five specifically endowed funds held with BPSF.

BPSF 4A Grant Criteria: As you plan your project, please keep in mind that grant dollars are distributed among the 4A funds.  Please select the 4A fund category (academics, activities, arts and athletics) or categories most aligned with your project.

All purchased equipment becomes the property of Brainerd Public Schools, not the individual administering the grant. The following guidelines will help you with your application:

  • Applicants are encouraged to seek additional funding from other agencies if projects are partially funded by the Foundation.  We seek to fund as many applications as possible but frequently find that requests outpace our available funds each year.  We will attempt to align you with our many partners that may also fund your project partially or completely.  It is our goal and hope that together we can enhance education for as many students as possible in this manner.
  • Priority will be given to projects that continue to impact many students over time and may be sustained without significant additional funding.
  • We do not fund staff development, staffing costs, seminars/conferences for educators, and prefer tangible items and equipment/materials that reach the greatest number of educators and students by sharing within buildings or re-use in subsequent school years.  We aim to supplement programming, not supplant.
  • Our average grant size is typically less than $1,000.  If your project exceeds this amount, please also show us how partial funding would be possible.
  • Please do not submit a request for desks, classrooms tables or flexible seating – as the district is working to standardize these items and requests that they not be funded through the 4A Granting process.

Does your 4A project request include a new piece of technology?  If so, the following questions MUST be addressed in your grant application:

  1. Does it run on a network/internet?
  2. Does it require additional software at all (even free)?
  3. Does it require additional hardware at all? (Devices, cords, adapters, etc.)
  4. What is the anticipated life of this?
  5. Do you have training or willing to get training from the vendor on the use and maintenance of this?

All approved funds can be accessed through your building’s normal purchasing channels or District Technology, but must be claimed in full by April 23rd, 2021.

A committee comprised of BPSF Board members, school, and community representatives will select the projects to be funded.  All applicants must discuss requests with their Administrator (and the Director of Technology, if applicable).


Questions? Contact Jessica Gangl at jessica@ or 218-454-6923

Check out past approved 4A Grants!

2019 Grants

2018 Grants

2017 Grants

2016 Grants

2015 Grants

2018/19 4A Grants

2018 4A Grants